Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's a start...

I've been thinking for a while now that I'd really like have a knitting blog - so with that brief intro, I present Knitting in Texas.

Just for the record, I've only been a Texan for about a year, but I'm liking it. I lived in New Orleans right up until I evacuated, one day before Katrina changed everything, but we won't get into that. Just know that the spirit of my beloved New Orleans lives, the city IS slowly coming back, and she really needs your support and your tourism dollars. The French Quarter's rocking, the street cars are rolling again, and the food's as great as ever.

So, on to knitting. I just picked up a copy of Knitting Rules, by Stephanie the Yarn Harlot. She's SO hilarious - I can only hope to be one tenth as good a read! Give me a little time to find my voice and maybe we'll get there.

What's on the needles right now? Two pairs of socks - first up, these lovely stripey beauties. No particular pattern, just playing around with toe-ups. I do need your opinion, though - I've started the legs with an eyelet ribbing, but to my eye, the eyelets are too much for such a busy yarn, and I'm leaning toward ripping back and doing a simple 2x2 ribbing. Whatcha think?

(I know, my photos aren't Cara-quality just yet, but at least you can see the eyelets. Or so I thought until I looked more closely.)

Also in progress, just barely, are these tweedy purples, based on the Badcaul sock pattern, but I've converted them to top-down. Not that you can tell what pattern it's going to be yet, just some ribbing at this point. Can't remember the yarn names for either of these pairs, and of course, can't find the ball bands when I need them. Will post those details later on, when the bands surface again.

So that's it - we're off and running. I hope to post often enough to keep you interested and amused, and I hope you'll comment often enough to make my blogging efforts worthwhile. I'll post again in about a week - will be without computer access for the next few days. (Go on, surprise me with a lot of comments!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogland! Have fun!

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congratulations on your inaugural blog post! happy knitting.

7:14 AM  

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